A dedicated controller for djay, the #1 DJ app

J-Music and Algoriddim join forces to create the J-PLAY DJ MIX. An ultra-portable controller designed to integrate seamlessly with the djay application.

J-Play DJ Mix Pad
J-Play DJ Mix Pad
J-Play DJ Mix Pad
J-Play DJ Mix Pad
J-Play DJ Mix Pad
J-Play DJ Mix Pad

J-Play DJ Mix Pad

$155.00 Sale Save

J-Music and Algoriddim create J-Play DJ Mix Pad. An ultra-portable controller dedicated to the djay app. Instantly isolate rhythms/voices and go from Djing to production by adding more pads to your controller.

Pre-order the J-Play DJ MIX and save $40

Shipping September 1st 2024

Djing within reach

Easily control the powerful features and intuitive interface of the djay app with J-Play DJ MIX. From STEMS controls to large effects zones, access the full range of DJing functions in an easy-to-handle controller.


Use jog-wheels to mix and scratch.


Easily create smooth transitions using the volume and filter/bass strips.


Take advantage of the large central area to play with effects and switch from one track to another with the crossfader.


Instantly extract rhythms, instruments and vocals from any track.

Mix with all your devices

Connect the J-Play DJ Mix to the djay app, which is available for free on iOS (iPhone and iPad), Mac OS, Android, and Windows.

With you, everywhere.

Compact and ultra-lightweight, the J-Play DJ MIX follows you wherever you go, whether it's a party or an improvised session.


Production is carried out with suppliers who share our values, most of them are based in France to limit carbon impact.


The wood used comes from sustainably managed forests (FSC). No polluting batteries. Less than 5% plastics.


The technology implemented in the J-Play offers modularity and natural gestures for a unique musical experience.

Mix and produce on the same controller

Enjoy the versatility of J-Play DJ MIX. Go from Djing to production by adding other pads to your controller.


- 1 metal and wood Board.

- 1 Pad DJ MIX

- Others pads according to your choice

- A storage bag

- USB-C to USB-C cable

-*The J-Play djay is MIDI compatible*

(!) If you want to use your J-Play with an iPad, make sure you know which type of connection it has. USB-C to lightening adapters are available as accessories.